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Question Wording: Scientists' Beliefs

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Question wordings for the graphics on the “Scientists’ Beliefs” page.

Graph: Percent of Americans Who Believed That More Than 50% of Climate Scientists Believe That Global Warming Has Been Happening

(2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020): “If you were to guess, about what percent of the scientists who study the world’s climate believe that the world’s temperature has been going up over the last 100 years? You can answer with any number between zero percent and one hundred percent.”

[if respondents say 50%, then:] “Did you say 50 percent because you think about half of those scientists believe that, or did you say 50 percent because you’re not sure how many scientists believe that?”

Graph: Percent of Americans Who Believed That More Than 50% of Scientists Who Study the Climate and Think There Has Been Global Warming Think That It Has Been Human-Caused

(November 2010, June 2012) “Think of the scientists who study the world’s climate and who believe that the world’s temperature has been going up [random half include ‘slowly’] over the last 100 years. If you were to guess, about what percent of these scientists believe that this [slow] warming has been caused mostly by things people do?”