Scientists' Beliefs
Research by the Political Psychology Research Group at Stanford University

Introduction Fundamentals Who Should Take Action Government Policy Economic Side Effects Willingness to Pay Priority Consequences of Global Warming Preparing for Possible Consequences Consumer Choices Attitude Strength Voter Behavior Opinions in the States Trust in Scientists Scientists' Beliefs Partisan Views Publications
Reliance on Science
Perceptions of the beliefs of scientists about global warming may influence people’s personal beliefs, especially among individuals who trust scientists. One might imagine that if scientists are perceived to agree about global warming in large numbers, this will encourage trusting individuals to adopt green opinions.
Americans' Beliefs About Agreement Among Scientists
Growing numbers of Americans have expressed the belief that a majority of natural scientists believe global warming has been happening. In 2010, 58% of Americans thought so, and in 2024, this proportion was 68% (see the figure below).

Scientific Views on Human Causation
In 2012, two-thirds of Americans reported the belief that among the many scientists who believe global warming has been happening, a majority of them believe this warming has been caused mostly by human activity, up from 57% of respondents who held that opinion in 2010.